Saturday, August 27, 2011

Midnight Feast

Here's an illustration I worked on for the July issue of Virgin Voyeur - Virgin Airline's in-flight magazine. It was to illustrate an article about Flash Mob Foodies - the phenomenon started in San Francisco as a way for food geeks to get together and sell their wares without the fees – health permits and liability insurance – It has grown into a kind of indie movement and spread as far afield as London and Amsterdam.

This is the first time I have illustrated a night-time scene so I had to come up with a way of making it look like it was late at night. The majority of my work is hand-drawn so instead of colouring over the drawing I decided to overlay a dark blue layer in photoshop after I had finished the illustration.

Here's a day time version:
All this talk of food is making me hungry...luckily I'm off out for Vietnamese tonight with some friends :-)

Have a lovely weekend everyone and hopefully I'll be picking up my pen this weekend as I've seen some beautiful inspirational art from my fave Aussie artists Kelly Smith & Bec Winnel.